Latest Shopify News and Advice

A open sign displayed over glass shop door.

Finding The Perfect Niche Market

Let’s say that you have now decided that ecommerce is the right business model for you. That’s great! Now it’s time for you to make another important decision, deciding what specific niche you want to build your online business on. ...

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A hand holding up a small package.

A Basic Introduction To Dropshipping

All of us have at one point entertained the thought of starting a business. We all have passions, ideas, and aspirations that we would like to bring to light and monetize. Can you think of a few business ideas you...

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A flat lay of a mobile phone with a Shopify article displayed on the screen.

What Is Shopify?

Allow us to make it clear now, from the very beginning, that starting your own online store is not a remote possibility or idea. If you really do want to become your own boss, run your own online business fulltime,...

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A product placement flat lay with soaps and male grooming products and a watch.

9 Ways To Boost Sales With Effective Product Descriptions

Have you ever wondered how product descriptions impact your sales? Whether they do at all, and if they do, how you can maximize them so that you can sell more products to your target market? The simple fact is that...

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A laptop, open notebook, pencil, mug, and flower vase on top of a wooden table.

Why Copywriting is Vital to your E-Commerce Business

It can be easy to overlook the important role that website copy plays in an eCommerce business. You would think of course that the first thing that your customer sees are your product images, making them far more vital. It...

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A SALE sign in yellow displayed on a glass wall reflecting an urban sidewalk.

8 Tried And Tested Ways To Fight Cart Abandonment

Shopping cart abandonment is one of the biggest challenges that an ecommerce store owner will have to face and overcome. When your customer abandons their cart, it means that they explored your site, added products to their shopping cart, but...

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A flat lay of a bag, camera, notebook, and various guides across an open map.

Top 10 Places To Live And Work As A Digital Nomad

Have you ever dreamt of hiking up to Mount Everest’s base camp? Or dreamed of relaxing on a pristine white sand beach in Malaysia’s east coast or imagined yourself on a stroll through Prague's cobbled streets? Many people share the...

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A flat lay of peoples hands, a mobile phone, tablet, and hair grooming products.

Creating a Personalized Online Experience for your Customers

There's quite a bit of competition out there in the world dropshipping and other business models of eCommerce. It’s a fact that you will have to recognize when you step into the game—there are other people doing what you are doing...

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Two hands holding paper coffee cups.

Brand Persona In Ecommerce: What It Is & How To Develop It?

What do you think are the most important aspects of building a successful ecommerce business? Probably one of the most oft-neglected, yet crucial elements to building a well-rounded ecommerce business is—you guessed it—brand persona. Many people, who aren’t well versed...

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